Sunday, April 23, 2006


waaaa!!! Lacuna coilz gonna have a new album out soon ... or is it out already?? aheeheh
anyway... i cant wait till i get my chubby lil' fingers on a copy! aheheh....
thats about the Only thing im waiting for now ... "proof" how "exciting" my summers going...aheheh so far ive only gotten to go out with my friends once....swimming at this golf club ahehe... and my "friends" from skool i havent heard from .... except for this one gurl Denise .. shez gonnabe goin back to london on the first of may .. which is a big fat bummer since she helped me a lot this year .... aheheh. i mean i learned a lot from her.. ....and yyeah ... aheheh ....
all ive been doing is sleeping and drawing and errands and nothing and then sleeping again ...
when im actually supposed to be having art lessons or bass guitar lessons or SOMETHING to use up all this free time i actually getting sick of the ceiling of my room due to long term staring.. aheheh.....actually today i think my parents are getting really pissed cuz i was awake all night slept all day woke up a 5 pm and then went out to the mall....ahehe... im being a good for nothing daughter ..ahehe....actually i think i remember my father saynig that my pet dog was better company than me ..that was the harsh-est thing ive ever heard from him...:-P *ehem* but yeah i guess its my fault as well.... bad dione :-P .... and another thing is both my parents are telling me to stop drawing the stuff i draw because they think its not "NORMAL" grrrr.... if i dont draw what i want i dont draw at all!! rawr..ahehe parents . everyone else seems to understand me but them.isnt that a bit of atangle ..hehe....oh well I'll try to sort things out... aheheh...

comment on the pic: I just miss those times when everthing used to be much more fun . aheheh..less screaming less fighting ....less worries about ermmm stuff... aheheh ...

Monday, April 17, 2006

+Mother earth and Father Sky+

Read this you maggots .... :-P


Depending upon how you look at Wicca, it is either one of the newest or one of the oldest religions in the world:
bulletWicca is a recently created, Neopagan religion. The various branches of Wicca can be traced back to Gardnerian Witchcraft which was founded in the UK during the late 1940s.
bulletWicca is based on the symbols, seasonal days of celebration, beliefs and deities of ancient Celtic society. Added to this material were Masonic and ceremonial magickal components from recent centuries. In this respect, it is a religion whose roots go back almost three millennia to the formation of Celtic society circa 800 BCE.

A follower of Wicca is called a Wiccan. Wicca and other Neopagan religions are currently experiencing a rapid growth in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. This is seen particularly among some teenagers, who are rejecting what they feel is the autocracy, paternalism, sexism, homophobia, and insensitivity to the environment that forms part of some more traditional religions. Many North Americans of European descent, who are keen to discover their ancestral heritage, are also attracted to this religion.

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About deities:

Depending upon one's point of view, Wicca can be considered a monotheistic, duotheistic, polytheistic, or atheistic religion:

bulletWicca is monotheistic: Some Wiccans recognize a single supreme being, sometimes called "The All" or "The One." The Goddess and God are viewed as the female and male aspects of this single deity.
bulletWicca is duotheistic (a.k.a. rarely as bitheistic): Wiccans often worship a female Goddess and a male God., often called the Lady and Lord.
bulletWicca is polytheistic: Wiccans recognize the existence of many ancient Gods and Goddesses, including Pan, Diana, Dionysius, Fergus, etc.
bulletWicca is atheistic: Some Wiccans view the God and Goddess as symbols, not living entities. Depending upon which definition of the term "Atheist" that you adopt, these Wiccans may be considered Atheists.

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Terms relating to Wicca are confusing, as they are with so many other religions:

bulletWiccans often refer to themselves as Neopagans. The term "Neopagan" includes all faith groups which are based on attempted reconstruction of ancient, extinct religions. However, not all Neopagans are Wiccans. The umbrella term "Neopagan" includes followers of many other earth-centered faith traditions, like Druidism, and Asatru.
bulletWiccans often refer to themselves as Pagans. Unfortunately, this term has at least six different meanings, some of which are rather negative. "Pagan" is often used as a general-purpose snarl word to attack others. In its positive sense, Paganism includes Neopaganism as well as many other religions.
bulletSome Wiccans consider Wicca and Witchcraft to be synonyms.
bulletOthers differentiate between Wicca, which they view to be a religion, and Witchcraft, which they perceive to be the practice of magick. Under this definition, Witchcraft is not a religion and thus can be performed by members of any religion.
bulletMost Wiccans practice magick. However, some do not and concentrate on the spirituality of the Wiccan religion.

Wicca and Satanism:

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"It seems to be necessary to preface every discussion of Witchcraft with an explanation that, no, Neo-Pagan Witches aren't Satanists. The Christian anti-God, Satan, has no place in Pagan pantheons, either mythologically or theologically." 1

Because of extensive religious propaganda dating from the late Middle Ages, Wicca has often been linked to Satanism. Wiccan beliefs and practices are no closer to Satanism than they are to Buddhism, Hinduism, or Islam. In fact, Wiccans do not recognize the existence of an all-evil supernatural being similar to the quasi-deity Satan. He is found mainly in Christianity and Islam.

However, there are three superficial points of similarity between Satanism and Wicca:

bulletBoth use a five pointed star as a symbol. Satanists align it so that two points are upwards. Wiccans orient their star with two points downwards, except in special cases.
bulletBoth generally perform their religious rituals within a circle marked on the floor or ground.
bulletMost Wiccans and Satanists engage in magick; however, Wiccans are limited to non-manipulative, consensual, positive magick.

It is also important to realize that some conservative Christians consider all non-Judeo-Christian religions to be Satanic. They believe that when followers of these religions worship their Gods and Goddesses, they are really worshipping Satan and/or his demons. For this reason, they consider Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Wicca, and hundreds of other religions to be either Satanism or inspired by Satan.

not my own writing taken from :

just wasting time ...aheeh ^__^'

myt as well help educate ... muahahah...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


i had no choice my computer was in terrible condition

Listening to: running up the hill-within temptation

i just reformatted my computer,and im kinda pissed cuz all the pics i had of my friends that i havent posted online or printed out are all gone. i lost all those "memories" grrrr.... and ive been working on some stuff on my comp,an image for my journal and ertc. its kind of frustrating to loose,my music has also dissapeared,but i guess theres no harm in starting over.ahhe...
speaking o starting over . im thinking of a serious makeover ...i was sitting at my table looking at all my drawings hanging on the mini "clothesline" i set up under the shelf above my desk. they were hanging off tiny little dark green clothespins *glee* ahehe..ahehe back to the point...i was looking at em and i noticed that they look too much alike. my parents noticed the same thing they said"isnt it time to try something new?" soo i guess
i need to open myslef to new ideas or take lessons or something ... because i noticed that even Im getting bored with my work nyahehe.
i dont feel like i improved ... so this sumer i promised myslef im not going to waste it and instead use it for ....erm self improvement ....
My parents noticed this and decided to enroll me into john robert powers ,which i kind of DONT LIKE!!!
hehe my parents have a knack of "overdoing" things...aheheh ... anyway at leat they agreed to buy me a bass guitar ahehehe... i still dont know how to play one but im willing to learn!!
ahehe by the way if anyone has any suggestions for a good brand (just forthe practice) thats not to pricey aheheh ...please share! ....

so yeah ..summer
i failed trigonometry,but its okay,i thought id fail a bunch of other classes .
too bad about my friends though some of them didnt make it and have to repeat the year! and the other got kicked out
im gonna miss them and one guy Hasnt returned
my "allergic to stupid people" and slipknot pinz!!!.
i feel bad for them ... but they kinda brought it on themsleves didnt they??
its still crap tho.....ahuhuhuhuh

jason nd I . its been two months of us bein togetha. and im haPpY! ermm yeap.... aheeeeeee
im such a kid @__@ weeeeee....

lifes like a dick ,if it gets hard fuck it !!

Thursday, April 06, 2006


I dont know whats wrong with my head. i think its finally cracked.

ergh....ive been taking in quite a lot of emotional,
psycological,and mental bashing lately ....

people wont get off my back .... everyday for the past few

days I've had my mum scream some of the most bitter things into my earz. and etc.

ive had quite a lot of strees about submitting my

requirements and still stressed for when my report card will

be released w/c will be on friday.

and another thing ..

i found myself to be a hassle.. to basically everyone around me ...

I feel like a left behind puppy all the time...i deeply wish i was able to drive or be more

independent .. at least i could hijack a car or go wherever ....

and another is i kind of got hurt . even tho that person who did didnt mean to .

i have no idea why Ive made such a big deal about it.

it really isnt...

i think its the girly side of me taking over haha =p

i hate being like this..ergh.....aaand

He should be pissed at me for being shallow and unreasonable. =P


Im confused ... deeply ....i dont even know why im angry or sad or whatever...

AAAAAAAAARRGGGHHH!! :p WTF is wrong with me ...o___O??